Building a Sustainable Future: A Vision for Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Growth in New Jersey

Building a Sustainable Future: A Vision for Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Growth in New Jersey

August 08, 20247 min read

Building a Sustainable Future: A Vision for Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Growth in New Jersey

As a candidate for the New Jersey State Assembly, I, Stephen Zielinski Sr., am spearheading a reform initiative designed to address the twin challenges of climate change and economic stagnation in our state. This bold, multi-solution initiative promises to create 50,000 new jobs, reduce New Jersey’s carbon footprint, and position our state as a leader in sustainable energy development. By harnessing the power of solar energy, revitalizing local manufacturing, and establishing a Public Bank of New Jersey, —a financial institution that would play a crucial role in funding this green transformation, we can set a new standard for environmental and economic progress. This is the type of forward-thinking action that all of New Jersey needs as we confront the realities of the 21st century.

The Concept of a Public Bank: How It Works and Why New Jersey Needs One

A Public Bank is a financial institution owned and operated by a government entity—in this case, the state of New Jersey. Unlike private banks, which prioritize maximizing profits for shareholders, a Public

Public Bank of New Jersey

Bank focuses on serving the public good by financing projects that benefit the community at large. This model has been successfully implemented in North Dakota, where the Bank of North Dakota has been in operation since 1919, providing loans to support agriculture, infrastructure, education, and small businesses.

A Public Bank operates by taking in deposits—typically from state revenues, public agencies, and municipal funds—and using those deposits to make loans at low interest rates for projects that align with public policy goals. The profits generated by the bank are reinvested into the community, either by reducing the cost of borrowing or by funding additional public services and infrastructure. In essence, a Public Bank functions as a self-sustaining entity that recycles public funds to finance further economic development.

In New Jersey, the establishment of a Public Bank would provide a dedicated source of funding for renewable energy projects, including the widespread installation of solar panels, the manufacturing of solar-related products, and the development of energy storage solutions. By offering zero-down loans and low-interest financing, the Public Bank would make it easier for businesses to transition to solar energy, thereby reducing their operating costs and contributing to the state’s overall carbon reduction goals.

Manufacturing and Jobs: Bringing Solar Energy Home

Solar Manufacturing in New Jersey

One of the key components of this plan is to incentivize both new and existing businesses to manufacture solar panels, inverters, and carports within New Jersey. This move would not only help reduce the state’s carbon footprint but also create a substantial number of jobs in manufacturing—a sector that has seen significant decline in recent decades. Federal incentives, such as the 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC), USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants, and New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) grants, would be instrumental in providing financial support for these manufacturing ventures.

The Public Bank of New Jersey would play a critical role in this process by offering zero-down loans to businesses that commit to producing solar-related products within the state. This financial backing would allow companies to invest in the necessary equipment and facilities without the burden of upfront costs, thereby accelerating the growth of the solar manufacturing industry in New Jersey.

Expanding Solar Installations: Scaling Up for Success

Beyond manufacturing, the plan includes a robust strategy to work with commercial solar installers

Training in the Solar Industry for New Jersey

across the state, helping them scale their operations to meet the anticipated increase in demand. The goal is to expand these businesses significantly, ensuring that New Jersey has the workforce needed to install solar panels on a large scale. The Public Bank would provide the financial support needed to expand these businesses, covering costs related to training, payroll, and infrastructure development.

By doubling or even tripling the size of existing solar installation companies, New Jersey would be well-positioned to lead the nation in solar energy adoption. This expansion would create thousands of new jobs, ranging from skilled labor positions to project management and administrative roles.

Affordable Solar Energy for Businesses: A No-Cost Transition

Solar Installation in NJ

One of the most innovative aspects of this plan is its approach to making solar energy accessible to small and medium-sized businesses. Under this model, businesses would be able to transition to solar energy with no money out of pocket. Instead, they would make monthly payments for financing that are less than what they currently pay for electricity. This approach makes the switch to solar not only environmentally responsible but also financially advantageous.

Additionally, the plan includes provisions for energy storage, allowing businesses to store excess solar energy in battery backups. These batteries would enable businesses to sell surplus energy back to the grid during peak hours, thereby reducing the need for utilities to rely on coal and natural gas power plants. Moreover, the Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) program would provide additional incentives, ensuring that businesses continue to benefit from generating clean energy for years to come.

Community Solar Projects: Maximizing Space and Impact

Parking Solar Carports in NJ

For businesses with large parking lots, the concept extends to the creation of carports equipped with

solar panels, which could also serve as community solar projects. These projects would supply electricity to businesses that lack the space for their own solar installations, offering them a cheaper alternative to traditional utility companies. With locked-in rates that do not increase, this model provides both economic and environmental benefits.

Accelerating Adoption: A Strategic Approach

Despite the clear benefits, the transition to solar energy has been slow, particularly among commercial businesses. To accelerate adoption, the proposal suggests a strategy similar to the successful campaign to reduce smoking: financial incentives paired with penalties. Businesses that choose to switch to solar would receive reductions on their utility bills, while those that remain with traditional utilities would face an additional tax. The revenue from this tax would fund further solar projects, creating a cycle of continuous improvement and growth in renewable energy.

The Economic and Environmental Benefits for New Jersey

The establishment of a Public Bank in New Jersey, coupled with incentives for solar energy adoption, would have far-reaching economic and environmental benefits. Economically, the plan would stimulate job creation across multiple sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and finance. The 50,000 new jobs projected under this plan would range from high-skill positions in engineering and project management to trade jobs in installation and maintenance. This job growth would be accompanied by increased tax revenues and a stronger state economy.

Environmentally, the widespread adoption of solar energy would significantly reduce New Jersey’s carbon footprint, contributing to the state’s climate change mitigation goals. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions, New Jersey would set a powerful example for other states to follow.

A Statewide Pilot for National Impact

The potential of this plan extends beyond New Jersey. By collaborating with candidates running for Congress, this program could serve as a test pilot for the entire United States. Climate change is a pressing issue that requires actionable solutions, and this proposal offers a concrete, multi-faceted approach that could garner widespread support and media attention. If adopted as a platform by multiple candidates, it could catalyze a broader conversation about the role of renewable energy in economic revitalization.


This vision for New Jersey represents a bold and pragmatic approach to tackling climate change while simultaneously driving economic growth. By establishing a Public Bank, fostering local manufacturing, expanding solar installations, and incentivizing businesses to adopt renewable energy, New Jersey could position itself as a leader in the green economy. This plan not only addresses the environmental challenges of our time but also offers a blueprint for sustainable economic development that could inspire similar efforts across the nation.

In my next article, I look to address these issues the State of New Jersey face regarding the topic discussed and present sound solutions with a game plan backed by my fellow candidates running for Assembly and Senate. To follow our progress, please register for our newsletter.


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